Consequences of Excessive Carbohydrate Consumption
Excessive carbohydrate intake causes our body’s health to deteriorate. Carbohydrate causes high metabolism in the body. When the body has consistently high blood sugar levels, the pancreas cannot treat it properly.
But what is enough carbs?
More and more researchers are saying that the body can produce whatever amount of carbohydrates the body needs. If we look at it this way and it’s all true, OUR BODY DOESN’T NEED CARBS (but this, does not apply to dietary fibers). We certainly do not need added refined carbohydrates (sugar and starch) in processed foods.
The First Signs
The first and most spectacular sign that we eat too many carbs is that we grew our clothes out because our weight start to gain, and slowly or quickly we become obese. But replacing our clothes would be a grave mistake. Unfortunately, in addition, there are plenty of invisible, just tangible internal signs that our body cannot cope with the excessive amount of carbs.
However, the obesity is not necessary condition for the development of diabetes. Even without spectacular obesity, the first signs of diabetes can appear, as showed by our earlier blood test results.
I have brought you some articles on these problems caused by high blood sugar:
- weight gain
- persistently high blood sugar The danger of this is that our cells become insensitive to insulin. This is called insulin resistance. In this case, blood sugar levels and insulin levels are equally high because the cells are not able to absorb more sugar.
- Insulin resistance is a prediabetes condition.
- development of type 2 diabetes
- the persistently high blood sugar increase risk of high blood pressure and cardiovascular problems
- Alzheimer’s disease and dementia
This is the way how diabetes destroys you!
Diabetes can have extremely serious, even fatal, complications! But treating diabetes does not consist of eating “fewer cakes”.
One of the consequences of diabetes is that the sugar that enters our body from our food and drinks does not get to the cells, but stays in the bloodstream for too long. And this is accompanied by constant damage to our organs.
Untreated diabetes can destroy our hearts, kidneys and eyes in a surprisingly short time. It should also be burned in mind that diabetes can often be associated with other problems such as obesity, high blood pressure or high cholesterol, and these diseases only increase the risk of these serious complications.
Diabetes, for example, can quadruple the risk of developing cardiovascular problems: people with diabetes are much more likely to have a heart attack, heart failure, and stenosis, and they can be more common in younger people.
Too high blood sugar level can damage the inner wall of blood vessels, accelerate the formation of plaques made up of fats and cholesterol, and thus slow down, block, and even close the blood flow completely.
Diabetes can also cause a very serious problem in the kidneys because it can damage microscopic-sized “filters” that prevent, for example, proteins from leaving our bodies. Over time, these filters can be completely destroyed, meaning that the kidneys will no longer be able to do their job.
Fingers numb, itchy: Symptom of diabetes
One of the most common consequences of diabetes is called neuropathy, which is nerve damage. High blood sugar can damage the nerve’s ability to transmit signals, and because of its effects on blood vessels, oxygen- and nutrient-rich blood may simply not reach nerve cells, which can damage or even destroy them.
Damage to the peripheral nervous system can take many forms, depending on which area of the nerves you are injuring. Typical accompanying symptoms of diabetes include burning, itchy pain in the extremities, fingers, toes, insensibility and numbness of small and large areas.
Damage to the nervous system and circulation leads to more difficult healing of wounds and injuries, and an increased risk of infection, so unfortunately, the risk of amputation also increases in diabetics. Injuries to the nervous system can also lead to intestinal complaints, visual disturbances and frequent dizziness. In men, diabetes also significantly increases the risk of erectile dysfunction.
Gum Diseases And Toothache as Complications Of Diabetes
Even kids in kinder garden are well aware that too much sugary food can ruin our teeth. However, high blood sugar levels also have an indirect effect on oral health, for example because it can affect our body’s defenses, making it harder to fight possible infections.
As a result, the bacteria in the mouth can multiply more easily, and the risk of tooth decay, tartar formation, gingivitis and bleeding gums increases. And after a while, the gums and the underlying tissues can be so damaged that it can even lead to tooth loss.
In addition, diabetics have a much higher risk of developing unpleasant, painful mouth thrush and mouth fungus.
Diabetes Can also Cause Blindness!
Diabetes can also cause extremely severe, irreversible damage to our eyes. For example, it can damage the retina, increase the risk of developing green and cataracts, and even destroy the nerves responsible for vision.
This can result not only in gradually deteriorating vision, but also, for example, the patient’s eyes find it increasingly difficult to adapt to changes in the environment (e.g., alternating darkness and light). Unfortunately, diabetics have a significantly higher risk of complete vision loss compared to non-diabetics.
Increased Chance of Dementia for Diabetics. Why?
Recent studies compare the condition of the brains of patients with Alzheimer’s disease with those of diabetics, in part because in both cases, the brain’s sensitivity to insulin decreases. There are several other similarities between the pathophysiological state of the brain in people with diabetes and Alzheimer’s, but diabetes can still be considered a risk factor. In general terms, diabetics have higher chance of developing dementia but it is not something that will happen to all diabetics.
Diabetes - Depression - Dementia
Dr. Wayne Katon, the author of the study, reported that the link between diabetes and dementia was known in the past and that diabetes was often associated with depression, but the results now are surprising.
The study observed more than 19,000 diabetic California residents between the ages of 30 and 75, one-fifth of whom also had depression. After tracking their predisposition to various dementia, including Alzheimer’s, for three to five years, they found that while only for one percent of diabetics alone occurred the disease, two percent of those with depression also developed the disease.
Dr. Robert Friedland of the University of Lousville added that everyone can do a lot to avoid diabetes and dementia, and it is primarily proper diet and adequate exercise could protect us from these. The study was published in the journal Archives of General Psychiatry.
Diabetes Can Lead to Dementia
A new element has been added to the long-term damaging effects of diabetes in a clinical study by researchers at the University of California. Experts say chronically high blood sugar increases the risk of dementia.
“So far, we have known that there is a link between diabetes and mental performance. This time, we specifically looked at the mental decline of elderly ladies with or without diabetes, which no one has done before,” – summarized the objectives of the research by Dr. Kristine Yaffe, the head of the research group. About two thousand women, 67 years old, according to their average age, were included in the test. The researchers occasionally took blood samples from the subjects of the experiment for four years and determined their mental performance with various tests.
The results of the study showed that a 1 % increase in glycosylated hemoglobin increases the risk of mild mental decline by about 40 percent. Among those with glycosylated hemoglobin above 7 %, there is four times as often dementia to a greater or lesser extent than in the normal group. “In any case, our results support the hypothesis that elevated blood glucose levels can lead to dementia in elderly ladies,” Yaffe said.
My Non-Scientific Conclusion
Maybe it’s starting to become clear to everyone that carbohydrates have completely woven our lives. Food manufacturers replaces fat with sugar in all processed food. You would be hard pressed to find anything without sugar on the shelves of supermarkets. Sugar is addictive and manufacturers know this.
On the other hand, you as a consumer also know this and it takes a little bit of care and diligent to buy healthy, wholesome food for yourself and for your family. Use your knowledge and your dollars well. Happy shopping! 🙂