Eat and Live Healthy

Enemies of New Year’s Resolutions: The 10 Most Common Excuses

The end of the year always brings with it a look back and an accounting of the past year, and

Let’s Talk About Cholesterol

What Is The Truth About Cholesterol? In the past, people cooked with animal fat, yet they were much healthier than

Consequences of Excessive Carbohydrate Consumption

Consequences of Excessive Carbohydrate Consumption Excessive carbohydrate intake causes our body’s health to deteriorate. Carbohydrate causes high metabolism in the

What Happens When You Sin on Keto?

What happens when you sin on Keto? – Cheating on a Garden Party We had a late summer garden party

Keto For Us – Weight Loss Diet or Lifestyle?

Keto For Us – Weight Loss Diet or Lifestyle? Right at the beginning I would like to repeat my most

Is Consuming Liver Harmful or Beneficial?

Is Consuming Liver Harmful or Beneficial? Liver as an offal is not the most popular food.  Some people are afraid