Cauliflower Pizza Bar Mozzarella

  • Prep Time
    30 Mins
  • Cook Time
    30 Mins
  • Serving
  • Ready In
    60 Mins

Cauliflower Pizza Bar Mozzarella

I haven’t met people who don’t like pizza. I also love it. Although it is a much simpler solution to pick up the phone and order a pizza from the polar pizzeria, or buy a semi finished pizza from the store and put it into the oven. However, to create a healthy version by yourself it is definitely much healthier because you know what will be put on your table. In addition, you can be immensely proud to make your own dinner with your own hands.
This Cauliflower Pizza can also be prepared and eaten by gluten sensitive people because it does not contain any flour, including gluten.

How to make pizza even tastier?

It’s an eternal question between pizza-connoisseurs and pizza fans: Ketchup or Pizza Sauce? I don’t want to get involved in anyone’s discussion, but I am clearly voting for really pizza sauce, specifically the Homemade Pizza Sauce. I’ve two serious reasons for it: Firstly, when I realized how much sugar contains in ketchup. Secondly, when I met a box of ketchup in my friend’s refrigerator that has been open for years, which hasn’t deteriorated yet. It made me think, because it’s not normal for me. Then I decided I would rather cook homemade pizza sauce with unique flavors, tomatoes picked from the garden and herbs.

Last summer, I bought a few pounds of tomatoes at the local Farmers Market and canned some bottles of tomato juice. In the past, even before the start of our keto time, I didn’t cook tomato juice with added sugar. So, I was able to use last year’s tomato juice in the pizza sauce made for the Cauliflower Pizza. I needed an onion, diced, fried in olive oil, grated a few cloves of garlic,  two more tomatoes diced, and basic Italian herbs like basil, oregano, and a little rosemary. Don’t forget to add a pinch of salt and if you need to sweeten it to your taste, you can add a little natural sweetener (like Stevia or Monk Fruit). All these are cooked with tomato juice in a thick sauce to get the most delicious,  home-made pizza sauce in the world.

Finally, we can do anything on top of our pizza.  Smear the pre-baked pizza dough with the home-made pizza sauce, then you can put fried meat, mushroom slices, ham, onion rings, olive berries and plenty of cheese, mozzarella and parmesan mixed on it, or whatever you want. 

I put on it for toppings sliced mushrooms, ham, olives, halfed grape tomatos and lots of graded cheese.

Bake it for about another 10 minutes until the topping is done.  Sprinkle it with dried oregano and have a good appetite!


Pizza "Dough"

Pizza Sauce



  • Daily Value*
  • Calories: 280.5
    14 %
  • Fat: 12.7 g
    7.7 %
  • Sodium: 1010 mg
    43.9 %
  • Carbohydrate: 25.81 g
    64.5 %
  • Fiber: 6.63 g
    26.5 %
  • Sugar: 11.22 g
    28.1 %
  • Protein: 20.23 g
    27 %
  • Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000-calorie diet. Fat 165 g, Carbohydrate 40g, Fiber 25 g, (Sugar 40 g,) Protein 75 g, Sodium 2300 mg, Potassium 3,500 – 4,700 mg. To calculate the whole net carb content in food, have to subtract the fiber from the total number of carbs. Your individual daily values may be higher or lower depending on your own calorie needs.



Break the cauliflower into florets, remove the stalk. Put it into a food processor or blender and pulse until fine.


Salt it and let stand until drains.


Preheat the oven to 400 F / ~200 C and line a baking sheet (14 " / 35,5 cm) with parchment paper.


Unscrew juice by hand and if it necessery, put it on a towel to get all the moisture out.


Combine the cauliflower with the mozzarella, parmesan, oregano, and eggs in a bowl. Knead it well.


Transfer to the center of the baking sheet and spread into a circle thinly and bake for 20 minutes.


Add desired toppings and


Bake an additional 10 minutes or until the cheese is cooked on the pizza top.

Recipe Reviews

  • Alma

    I can’t wait to try it! Thank you!

    • Andrea

      Dear Alma,
      Thank you for your comment and interest as well. I look forward to your experience and comments. 🙂

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