Low-carb Parsley Kohlrabi – Keto, Paleo Side Dish

Low-carb Parsley Kohlrabi - Keto, Paleo Side Dish
  • Prep Time
    5 mins
  • Cook Time
    10 mins
  • Serving
  • Ready In
    15 mins

Low-carb Parsley Kohlrabi – Keto, Paleo Side Dish

Who doesn’t want parsley potatoes? I love it too, and even Hungarian cuisine can only imagine the fried meat with potatoes (or rice). Although the carbohydrate content of potatoes is not so dangerous yet, rice is exceptionally high. Therefore, it is advisable to find other alternatives instead of these garnishes. The kohlrabi is a great substitute for fries. It may not taste as neutral as potatoes, but it’s delicious and after all, it’s all just a matter of habit. But when you have to reduce the carbohydrate content of your foods, you can  reduce the carbohydrate content of the garnish much easier since  carbohydrate content of side dishes are usually higher.


By comparison, 100 g of raw kohlrabi contains a total of 2.6 g of net carbohydrates, while 100 g of potatoes contain 18.6 g. (Since I also mentioned rice at the beginning, I also describe the carbohydrate content of 100 g of rice raw: ~ 73 g, cooked: ~ 24 g) And when you try to stay below 50 g (or less) of carbohydrate intake per a day, these values matter a lot.

Low-carb Parsley Kohlrabi - Keto, Paleo Side Dish

The best choice is to eat it with fried meat and pickles.

Low-carb Parsley Kohlrabi - Keto, Paleo Side Dish

You can find my keto breaded meat recipe here:


Low-carb Parsley Kohlrabi - Keto, Paleo Side Dish


Per one serving

  • Daily Value*
  • Calories: 148
    7.4 %
  • Fat: 8 g
    4.7 %
  • Total Carbs: 19 g
    28.6 %
  • Fiber: 11 g
    43.2 %
  • Sugar: 8 g
    19.5 %
  • Net Carbs: 8 g
    19.5 %
  • Protein: 5 g
    6.8 %
  • Sodium: 62 mg
    2.7 %
  • Potassium: 1051 mg
    30 %


    There is no difficulty in making Low-carb Parsley Kohlrabi. Although it should be prepared in the same way as parsley potatos, but kohlrabi will give you a much healthier, low-carb food side dish than potatos.

    Low-carb Parsley Kohlrabi - Keto, Paleo Side Dish

    Peel and dice the kohlrabi.

    Low-carb Parsley Kohlrabi - Keto, Paleo Side Dish

    Put it in water, bring to a boil and cook for a few minutes from the source.

    Low-carb Parsley Kohlrabi - Keto, Paleo Side Dish

    Then strain the water from the kohlrabi. (You can skip this step if you use young kohlrabi, because it will soften on the fat soon)

    Low-carb Parsley Kohlrabi - Keto, Paleo Side Dish

    Melt lard in a pan (you can also use butter, olive or avocado oil depending on your diet), add the filtered kohlrabi, fry for a few minutes and at the end sprinkle the top with chopped parsley. Salt it to taste.

    Low-carb Parsley Kohlrabi - Keto, Paleo Side Dish

    Serve as a side dish with meat.

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