The Best Homemade Keto Pumpkin Coffee Latte

  • Prep Time
    5 Mins
  • Cook Time
    3 Mins
  • Serving
  • Ready In
    8 Mins

The Best Homemade Keto Pumpkin Coffee Latte

You can’t drink this The Best Homemade Keto Pumpkin Coffee Latte in any coffee shop, however, you can make it at home at any time, all year round, during the pumpkin season, or at any time in the whole year, just freeze a few servings of roasted pumpkin in advance.

Roast the pumpkin, peel it and squeeze the pumpkin puree into an ice cube holder, then when it is frozen, put it in bags. When you want to sip a glass of this The Best Homemade Keto Pumpkin Coffee Latte again, just take a cube of frozen pumpkin puree from the freezer and in a few minutes you can drink this delicious and creamy pumpkin coffee specialty.

Make a very strong black coffee with it, or it can even be decaffeinated. You can add the amount of coffee to taste. If you like it more strongly, add more black coffee and less milk or cream, or vice versa.

If you want, you can also make it in a lactose-free version, with coconut or almond milk, because it’s yours and you make it the way you want, so you’ll know 100% what it contains. This Best Homemade Keto Pumpkin Coffee Latte is not only pumpkin or pumpkin spice flavored, it is made with real pumpkin puree and it does not contain pumpkin aroma or artificial flavors. It is also low in carbohydrates, completely added sugar and gluten free, and it is guaranteed because you make it for yourself. Did you think that it was ready in only a few minutes? Believe me, it would take you longer to line up at the coffee house, in addition,  you even have to wear a mask … So rather, jump up from the sofa and make this delicious and refreshing Homemade Keto Pumpkin Coffee Latte today!

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More Own Keto Pumpkin Inspired Recipes


The Best Homemade Keto Pumpkin Latte


Per Serving: 1 cup

  • Daily Value*
  • Calories: 259
    13 %
  • Fat: 25 g
    15 %
  • Total Carbohydrate: 11 g
    17 %
  • Fiber: 0.25 g
    1 %
  • Sugar: 4.7 g
    12 %
  • Net Carbs: 10.7 g
    27 %
  • Protein: 4.8 g
    6.5 %
  • Sodium: 54 mg
    2 %
  • Potassium: 6751 mg
    193 %
  • Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000-calorie diet. Fat 165 g, Carbohydrate 40g, Fiber 25 g, (Sugar 40 g,) Protein 75 g, Sodium 2300 mg, Potassium 3,500 – 4,700 mg. To calculate the whole net carb content in food, have to subtract the fiber from the total number of carbs. Your individual daily values may be higher or lower depending on your own calorie needs.


This autumn coffee latte specialty is ready in a few minutes, just follow these few steps.


Put the roasted pumpkin cubes with a little whole milk into a big cup and whisk together to smooth.


Put pumpkin spice and sweetener into pumpkin puree and mix together.


Add espresso coffee as well.


Boil the whole with all the milk/cream, water and even season to taste if needed.


Finally fill the Pumpkin Latte into latte glasses or cups, serve with whipped cream, grated dark chocolate or cinnamon, and place in straws.

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